Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Of Silence.

Gay Rights
Today was the Day Of Silence thing. Not many did it, not many even knew about it. Are you willing to be quiet for those who wish everyone was quiet about them being different? I wanted to be. But, I broke. I tried, though. If you tried, good for you, no joke. Standing up for Gay Rights is completely fair as to standing up for Colored Rights. If you haven't noticed.
My friend called me up the other day, & she was upset because her friend was in the hospital. Her friend was in the hospital because she came out of the closet a few weeks before. Ever since then, she's been harassed & bullied. People started following her around & calling her 'Faggot.' & Started putting notes in her locker, with pictures of a stick person on fire, with captions "You're going to hell." & "Burn in hell." & Such. If that wasn't hard enough, her parents kicked her out. Telling her she needed to get right with god. So, she attempted suicide. Death be the consequence of others actions? Almost. & That is not okay.
First off, who says she's even religious? She could have different beliefs than Christianity.
Next, to the religious people, being gay is a genetic disorder. If it's so bad for them to be gay, then why did God make them that way? Gay isn't a choice. No where in the bible does it say that being homosexual is wrong, either. It says in there about the city that was burned because all they did was have anal, or oral sex. People take that because homosexual men have anal sex, they think that's related. Well, it's not. Women with men were like that, too.
Now, the bible also says, all those will be forgiven, who ask for forgiveness. If being gay was wrong, anyway, they would be forgiven if asked for it, yeah? It also says, "Love thy neighbor." Are they no neighbor? This battle for Gay Rights is no different than the battle for Civil Rights.
& After all, let me ask something. What does it matter? What does it matter that they love the same sex? Does it affect you? I didn't think so.
My sister shared with me today, that this church in Topeka, Kansas went to her school while she was in high-school, & protested the school & a boy's church because he was gay. It was a family of about 15. There were little kids outside her school holding signs saying "Fagots will burn in hell!" & Pictures of stick people have anal sex. Little kids, I tell you. This was her friend, also. So, to watch this made her stomach wretch.
I really hope this stops.

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